Ursula's Cambridge Garden

Professional gardener and plantswoman writing from my small urban garden in a great city


Christmas catchup

Christmas is almost upon us, and time for a rest for us gardeners. Its been a very busy Autumn, with new clients, and new gardens to transform, as well as tree and hedge planting. Watch this space for future reports on new plantings which will come into their own as the 2021 progresses!

But first a brief re-wind to some Autumn highlights. It was a particularly lovely fall this year, with lots of stunning colour. Here the Miscanthus and Acanthus in one of my client’s gardens, looking particularly stunning in the sunshine.

Verbena bonariensis, always a good stalwart…

Back lit Stipa tennuisima…

Aster blues are perfect in the Autumn, especially after rain (above) as are Japanese anemones, another star plant (below)

Autumn is of course the perfect time to plant new trees. Here a Prunus serrula planted two years ago is beginning to really come on nicely….

And here two new fruit trees, apple and pear, look smart in their new home…

And Bay lollipops looking smart and urbane in their new pots…

I have also had fun creating some nice Christmas planters and pots this December, to add some festive cheer, that will still keep interest and colour through Winter to early Spring.

Yew hedging really comes into its own in Winter as a wonderful dense back drop to other good winter evergreens, Euphorbia characias wulfenii and Pittosporum

Now is the time to appreciate and love our winter stalwarts like Mahonia, powering away to give a colour shot in the darkest of winter days….

So, enjoy the break, I wish everyone a most Happy, quiet, safe and peaceful Christmas 2020.