Ursula's Cambridge Garden

Professional gardener and plantswoman writing from my small urban garden in a great city

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Through Lockdown and out the other side

I realised to my horror that I had not posted on my Blog since the end of January!

January to March was very busy indeed with a great ammount of planting for clients – shrubs, trees and bulbs, all very exciting plans.  Then Lockdown commenced from 23 March and I stopped working.  I definitely had a lot more time to work on and appreciate my own garden (see above), but after a month I have begun returning to work, by agreement with my clients and with appropriate social distancing.  In these unprecedented times, it is a comfort to know that so many people across the country are seeking solice in their gardens, and finding the strength to carry on inspired by the resilience of nature.

Before Lockdown I was busy creating a new patio border for one of my clients, previously planted with Cornus and Verbena Bonariensis, but now with Rosemary, Hebe and Cistus added for more seasonal variation.  It’s a tough call for the plants in a south-facing garden thats a wind tunnel, but these are all very tough plants that will survive and thrive.  Also the deciduous hedge line bed, seen to the left of the image, has had many tough favourite evergreens added for a secondary hedging layer, including Viburnum davidii, Eleagnus, Viburnum tinus, Choisya and Holly.

Tulip time was just starting – her photographed at another client’s garden backed by the morning sun.

The day before Lockdown I photographed my client’s front garden bed, which was planted last Autumn.  Its coming along nicely with the Euphorbia wulfenii and Coronilla complementing each other nicely.  This bed is a yellow and blue bed, with Caryopteris, Hypericum, Salvia, Lavender and Phlomis for later in the year.  The Lonicera nitida hedge is a nice framing for the plantings, which face the house, and a good deliniation against the pavement.

And this is the same bed in September 2018 containing only struggling conifers and half dying box.

During my stay at home I enjoyed tending my own garden a bit more than usual, and enjoying it in the lovely weather.

The violas this Spring have been particularly lovely….

Osteospermum are one of my favourite summer pot performers…this one from Sarah Raven is doing very well on a hot balcony is flowers from April all the way through to November.

My Cistus corbariensis is doing well as a reliable but beautiful plant for tough sunny, hot conditions.

On returning to work I was pleased to find my client’s gardens looking very well.  This planting of bluebells, Centaurea montana (knapweed), Solomen’s seal and Lilac looking good, with half barrels planted with Salvia, Catmint and Euphorbia.

And at another client’s garden, the Magnolia ‘Susan’ we planted before Lockdown (in pot) , and the Montana Clematis greeted me back after three days of rain.

Keep gardening, keep smiling and Stay Safe.